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381 Archibald Street
Winnipeg, MB, R2J 0W6
Locally owned and operated
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+ 1 204-256-6784
24/7 Emergency Service Available
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Sat-Sun: Emergency Service

When did you last replace your furnace filter?

If your furnace filter looks like the one below, then you have waited far too long to change your filter. The more dust and dirt that has collected on your filter, means your furnace has to work harder to circulate the air in your house. Working harder means increased heating costs.

Though you don’t have to change your furnace filter every single month, it should be changed every three months at most, as the seasons change. So, be sure that your furnace filter is switched out at the start of winter, fall, spring, and summer! When in doubt, we suggest that you check the filter to see if it is truly dirty.

It’s also important to have an annual furnace inspection done once a year by a professional so they can make sure your furnace is operating to its full potential and that there are no small problems that could turn into much larger problems. Call us here at North 49 at 204.256.6784.