The Clean Comfort® CleanFit Series of MERV 11 media air cleaners are Intuitively designed with outer dimensions that match original equipment furnace and air handler cabinets.
Air cleaners effectively remove bacteria, pollen, animal dander and other pollutants as small as 0.01 microns. That’s 18,000 times smaller than the head of a pin. The higher the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV), the more efficiently the cleaner removes particles. We offer air cleaners that range from MERV 10 to MERV 15 to meet your needs. For those families that have severe allergies, we also offer Whole House High Efficiency Particulate Arresting (HEPA) filtration systems

HE12M2 & HE17M2
Evaporative Humidifiers use the principle that vapor (evaporated water) is created when warm air blows over a water-soaked area. As the vapor circulates, the relative humidity rises.
The humidity control monitors the relative humidity and activates the humidifier accordingly. The humidifier has a water supply that dispenses water evenly over a humidifier pad. The warm, dry air from the furnace passes over the humidifier pad and picks up the moist air to circulate it throughout your home.

Clean Comfort® DV Series dehumidifiers remove moisture from your home's air, helping to keep the indoor environment comfortable.

The Clean Comfort® UA Series harness the power of high-output ultraviolet clarifying (UVC) and ultraviolet vacuum (UVV) air purifiers for ultimate whole home air quality.